Sunday, January 26, 2020

How has psychological well being been measured

How has psychological well being been measured Psychological well-being is an important concern for individuals, communities, and health services throughout the world, not only because of the costs associated with psychological ill-health, but also the loss of quality of life for those affected by and their relatives (Nilsson K W, Leppert J, Simonsson Bo, Starrin B., 2008). Kellam et al., (1975) believe that mental health is broadly perceived to consist of two conceptually independent dimensions. One dimension is the principal component of the traditional psychiatric view of mental health, which is known as psychological well-being, and the other is called social adaptational status (SAS). This dimension provides a societal view of the capability of the role functioning of the individual (Petersen A.C, and Kellam S.G., 1977). Psychological well-being focuses on the individuals feelings and other features of psychological functioning. Self-reports are a primary means of measuring this dimension for individuals who are able to evaluate their own psychological well-being. Many scholars have utilized the term psychological well-being for various aspects of mental health or psychological functioning. A number of researchers have also measured concepts related to our conception of psychological well-being, but have named them differently. Especially recently, scholars have frequently used psychological well-being to describe subjective self-reports about the quality of life (Bradburn and Caplovitz, 1965; Campbell et al., 1976 cited in Petersen et al., 1977). Petersen A.C, and et al., (1977) defined it as an internal, individual view of mental health. In the same line, Peteson et al., (1977) declared that psychological well-being is a multidimensional concept which consists of various aspects of psychopathology, self-esteem and other positive aspects of self. Although it may not be possible to define what Mental Health precisely is (Public Health Institute of Scotland 2003), but it seems necessary to realize the main factors which form a persons mental health or mental well-being. Mental health is generally described as, the ability to develop psychologically, socially, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually as well as the ability to, initiate, develop and sustain mutually satisfying relationships, use and enjoy solitude, become aware of others and empathise with them, play and learn, develop a sense of right and wrong and to face and resolve problems and setbacks satisfactorily and learn from them (Edwards 2003). Moreover, the measurement of health outcomes is essential to the development of health services (Hopton J L, Hunt S M, Shiels Ch, and Smith C. (1995). The Scales of Psychological Well-Being measure (SPWB) (Ryff, 1989) includes 84 items rated from 1 strongly disagree to 6 strongly agree. The SPWB consists of six subscales with 14 items in each. These are: (a) self-acceptance, (b) positive relations with others, (c) autonomy, (d) environmental mastery, (e) purpose in life, and (f) personal growth. Ryff has demonstrated the SPWB as a reliable and valid measure of well-being (1989b; Ryff Keyes, 1995). Cronbachs alpha for the 20-item scale ranged from .86 to .93 and there was excellent test-retest reliability over a six-week period (R: range from .81 to .88). The generic 22-item Psychological General Well-being Index (PGWB) has shown to be the most commonly employed questionnaire to assess psychological well-being in adult with a problem such as growth hormone deficiency (GHD) (Dupuy HJ, 1984). This questionnaire consists of six subscales (Anxiety, Depression, General Health, Positive Well-being, Self-control and Vitality), and a Total score. Yet, General Well-being Index (GWBI) is another generally used scale which is employed in problematic situation. This scale is known to be very similar to the PGWB with only some minor differences in vocabulary, for instance blue becomes sad on the British version, five response categories rather than the six, and also question order. In two samples of British patients with depression validation of the GWBI showed construct validity and high internal consistency reliability for the whole scale (in the range 0.92 0.96) (Hunt SM, McKenna SP., 1992). The GWBI contains 22 questions, each with five response options (scoring from 1 to 5). The options have been worded in a different way for each question, to define the intended meaning (e.g. During the past two weeks, have you been waking up feeling fresh and rested? Every day Most days Less than half the time Not often Not at all). As it is clear, half of the items are positively worded and the other half negatively. There are no reco mmended subscales. The GWBI Total score is the sum of all 22 items (after reversing the negatively-worded items), and ranges 22-110. Higher scores designate worse well-being (McMillan C V et al., 2006). McMillan C V et al., (2006) examined reliability, structure and other aspects of validity of GWBI in a cross-sectional study of 157 adolescents with treated or untreated growth hormone deficiency (GHD), and sensitivity to change in a randomised placebo-controlled study of three months growth hormone (GH) withdrawal from 12 of 21 GH-treated adults. The findings demonstrated that respondents found both questionnaires acceptable. Factor analyses did not show the existence of useful GWBI subscales, but confirmed the validity of measuring a GWBI Total score. The W-BQ12 is recommended more than the GWBI to assess well-being in adult GHD; it is to a great extent shorter, has three useful subscales, and has greater sensitivity to change. Another generic measure of psychological well-being is the Well-being Questionnaire (W-BQ). The 12-item version, the W-BQ12, is derived from the longer W-BQ22. W-BQ12 This has been employed in several studies to assess the effects of new treatments and interventions in diabetes (Bradley C, 1994), a condition for which it has good internal consistency and validity (Plowright R, Witthaus E, Bradley C., 1999). The W-BQ12, nevertheless, has less respondent burden than the W-BQ22, and redresses an imbalance between numbers of positively worded and negatively worded items in the longer questionnaire (Riazi A, Ishii H, Barendse S et al., 1999). Hopton J L, Hunt S M, Shiels Ch, and Smith C. (1995) also investigated the validity of a 22 item measure of psychological well-being and the adapted common well-being index (AGWBI) in 266 patients, who ranged about 16 or over years old, drawn from the computerized list of one general practice in UK. The findings are largely supportive of the validity of the AGWBI and propose that it may be suitable in the evaluation of several developing areas of primary care. In Barlow J. H, Cullen L. A, and Rowe. L. F study on 82 rheumatoid arthritis patients, the psychological well-being was evaluated employing the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) (Zigmond A.S, and Sniaith R. P., 1983). The HADS contains 14 items (7 for anxiety and 7 for depression), which is quick and easy to complete, and posses established reliability and validity (35). The HADS was designed to identify the presence and severity of relatively mild degree of mood disorder in non- psychiatric, hospital out-patients. S cores range from 0 to 21, with the higher scores signifying greater anxiety and greater depression (Moorey Greer S, and Watsa M, et al., 1991). In a number of studies, scholars have utilized General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) for evaluating well-being over a whole lifetime (Nilsson K W, Leppert J, Simonsson Bo, Starrin B., 2008). Goldberg D.P et al. (1970) designed the GHQ to detect psychiatric disorder. This questionnaire evaluates the individual present functioning from his or her usual state. GHQ has several types such as 60, 32, 28, and 12 items but the most popular type of the GHQ is 28 items which has four subscales as follow: A. Somatic Symptoms (items 1-7) B. Anxiety/Insomnia (items 8-14) C. Social dysfunction (items 15-21) D. Severe depression (items 22-28) These individual subscales are merely used for diagnosis of information and identification purposes, while the total subscales score is used. Ryff (1989) developed a multidimensional model designed to capture the broad elements of eudemonia. And six dimensions of well-being are identified which include: self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. The Scales of Psychological Well-Being (PWB; Ryff, 1989) indicates the ways in which people react to a range of specific experiences, such as community relocation (Ryff Essex, 1992). Ryffs measure of PWB is relevant to analysis of experience of either advantage or adversity over the lifetime (Ryff Singer, 1996 cited in Grossbaum M F, and Bates G W. (2002). The Scales of Psychological Well-Being measure (SPWB; Ryff, 1989b) contains 84 items rated from 1 strongly disagree to 6 strongly agree. This scale also consists of six subscales with 14 items in each. These are: (a) self-acceptance, (b) positive relations with others, (c) autonomy, (d) environmental mastery, (e) purpose in life, and (f) personal growth. Ryff (1989b; Ryff Keyes, 1995) established the SPWB to be a reliable and valid measure of well-being. Cronbachs alpha for the 20-item scale ranged from .86 to .93 and over a six-week period the reports showed excellent test-retest reliability (rs range from .81 to .88). Allardt (1981) suggested a model for evaluating well-being in academic setting. Allardts model of well-being is categorized in to four variables of (1) school condition (having), (2) social relationship (loving), (3) means for self-fulfilment (being) and (4) heath status. The School well-being model origins from Allardts sociological theory of welfare and is constructed to measure well-being in educational settling (Konu Rimpela, 2002). In this model, well-being is associated with teaching, education, learning activities and outcomes. Allardts model Means for self fulfilment contains situation for each student to act according to his/her own resources and capabilities. Health status is assessed based on students symptoms, diseases and illnesses. The main preference of this model is due to its diverse sub categories of well-being in students life in educational centre as well as considering the impact of pupils homes and neighbourhood. Allardth further in 1989 developed his model cross tabulating having, loving and being with the dichotomy of objective and subjective indication and obtained six cells of different types of indicators. According to the literature, Allardth model is employed in this relationship study to measure international students well-being.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Head & Shoulder Marketing Essay

Benefits that consumers get when using Head & Shoulders Anti Dandruff (H&S) shampoo include eliminating dandruff, leaving consumer with 100% flake free hair, nourished and healthy scalp and also oiliness control over their hair. Apart from that, consumers using H&S shampoo can solve any scalp itchiness associated with dandruff. Besides that, the menthol content in the shampoo gives consumer a cooling effect and refreshing after washing their hair (The Benefits of H&S 2011). The H&S Anti dandruff shampoo bottle is a white rectangular shaped bottle with a royal blue upper part where the cover is, having a few different colored strips on it depending on the variant of the product. Using attractive white and royal blue as its base packaging and also freshness essence helps create a positive impression for consumers. The labeling of this product can be found at the back of the bottle. It includes some information for the consumer such as a direction on how to use the shampoo to achieve the best result and also a caution part where consumers are reminded of their safety when using the shampoo. Furthermore, the labeling includes additional information and reminder to consumers that this product helps fight five signs of dandruff which are flakes, itchiness, dryness, oiliness and irritation. Lastly, a list of ingredients used for the shampoo can be found in the labeling and also information of H&S’s manufacture- Procter and Gamble. H&S shampoo has a unique feature that is it is rich in Pyrithione Zinc (PTZ), the only active ingredient, which is highly effective at fighting and also preventing dandruff symptoms because of its anti-fungal properties. With PTZ, H&S created HydraZinc complex which is found in all H&S products. This formula allows consumers to control and also act on dandruff quickly (Our formula, 2011). Other than that, the ActiZinc formula which adds natural cool menthol to H&S’s menthol shampoo gives consumer a cooling and refreshed effect after washing their hair as mentioned earlier (Refreshing 2011). Due to H&S shampoo is a convenience product, there are no extra services consumer get from this product but online members of Procter & Gamble are able to enjoy free samples of H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo and also free expert tips and advice of everyday life (Coupons, Samples and Savings, 2011). As for product classification, H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo is a consumer product and normally bought by consumers  for personal use. Consumers, especially those with dandruff symptoms, are willing to spend some time in looking for the availability of this product because of its unique function in treating dandruff. In the anti dandruff shampoo market, H&S has a few competitors such as Clear anti dandruff shampoo and Sunsilk anti dandruff shampoo, which are considered as acceptable substitute products for consumers. Normally brand conscious and loyal customers would spend more time in seeking this product before they turn to other brands or even do not buy at all compared to normal consumers. H&S anti dandruff shampoo comes with 11 varieties in the market based on consumer needs. The product is also divided into regular or menthol content. Each product has 3 SKUs (Stock-Keeping Unit) consisting 80ml, 200ml and 380ml. The introduction of PTZ formula into the product has differentiated H&S Anti Dandruff from other anti dandruff shampoos. 1.2 Current Pricing In Malaysia, anti-dandruff shampoo’s market is slightly saturated with a number of sellers of different brands; therefore H&S shampoo is in a monopolistic competition market. This is the case because there are different brands offering products with the same function and almost similar price as H&S. Examples of the competitors are Sunsilk Anti Dandruff shampoo, Pantene Anti Dandruff 2 in 1 shampoo, Clear Anti Dandruff Scalp Oil Control shampoo and also Dove Anti Dandruff shampoo (Shampoo Catalogue 2011). A change in price of this product would definitely change consumers’ demand but preference is also a factor in this case. An increase in price will lead to a slight decrease in the quantity demanded although there are available substitute products with the same function but some consumers will still prefer H&S. An example on how the product’s price can affect its volume is shown when Procter & Gamble with the intention of increasing sales volume of H&S in India cuts down the products prices (Sharma Shailaja 2011). The current price of the product is slightly higher than all its competitors in the market, close to around Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 1.00. Consumers of H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo normally based their purchase decision on the quality and feature of this product. It is clear that this product costs higher than its competitors, the reason why consumers choose this product because of its effectiveness in treating dandruff issues and most victims of dandruff symptoms find this product a solution to their problems. Besides that, the  company has successfully linked H&S shampoo’s to anti dandruff through its advertisement. This creates a brand image among consumers that when it comes to dandruff they would refer it to H&S shampoo. This established brand image also plays a part in influencing consumers’ purchasing decision. Business’s costs are not very important when pricing this product because Procter and Gamble (P&G), a multinational company has 12 different hair care brands under it and also other products (Hair Care Brands 2011), because of P&G’s products diversification, the pricing of H&S is not based on the business’s costs. H&S is using price-quality inference strategy therefore it has a higher price compared to other brands. 1.3 Current Distribution This product is available for consumers in many locations around Malaysia. In Miri, there are a few locations and shops where this product can be found. At Bintang Plaza, convenience stores such as Guardian and Watsons are selling the product and also hypermarkets such as Giant Hypermarket and Survey Hypermarket. Supermarkets selling H&S Anti Dandruff shampoo are the GK supermarket at Curtin University and also the Pick & Save Mart found at the shop lots in Senadin area, Miri (Supermarkets Directory 2011). In Malaysia, Procter & Gamble (M) Sdn. Bhd. is the wholesaler of H&S shampoo and the products are imported by the company before distributing to retailers around the country. All the products are imported from Procter & Gamble (Thailand) Ltd. which is the manufacturer for H&S shampoos of Malaysia and the Philippines (Manufacturers 2011). However, consumers who wish to buy directly from the wholesaler could do so but normally very few would go by this mean because of the availability of the products in most stores and online purchasing services. The factor that influences the wide distribution of this product includes the price of the product which is low and affordable for most consumers and also a convenience product. Apart from that, another characteristic is that the product comes in three bottle sizes ranging from 80ml, 200ml and 380ml. The small product size requires only a little space for display in most stores, which contributes to why it is widely distributed. 1.4 Current Promotion One of the promotional message for H&S shampoo is â€Å"All-day itch relief. Guaranteed.†. This message is promoted at the product’s official website (Head & Shoulders 2011). The message is to assure and guarantee consumers that the product will solve any itchiness or similar kind of issues on their hair. The other promotional message of the brand is â€Å"100% flake-free† that is found in a commercial advertisement on TV. This message is showed at the last part of the advertisement together with H&S anti dandruff shampoo bottles. The message H&S is trying to bring out is the effectiveness and confidence it has in removing dandruff or flakes on people’s hair. The promotion of this product through advertisement and also internet has the intention of establishing the brand in the market so that consumers realize the existence of such product that comes with special functions. It is obvious that H&S are using some promotional tools in promoting its product such as advertising through TV, advertising online and also discounts. The purpose of promotion is that the company wants to send a message to consumers that H&S anti dandruff shampoo is a solution for dandruff symptoms patients and people who are fed up with hair itchiness. By doing this, not only the company can establish the brand in the market but also increase sales volume as promotion can be a big tool in ensuring success. The theme of the current promotions is emphasizing on the effectiveness of H&S anti dandruff in removing dandruffs and solving itchiness on the hair. In all the promotional tools that the company uses, the company has been consistent in shaping messages that reflect the theme of the promotions. Another example of the company’s promotional tool is a slogan â€Å"I Never Knew You Had Dandruff† (List of Advertising Slogans 2011). 2.0 Segmentation Theory 2.1 Define and Explain Segmentation Market segmentation is a strategy that involves dividing a larger market into subsets of consumers with common needs. This can be done through the process of splitting potential customers into different groups, within which customers share similar interests for the goods or services offered in the market (Market Segmentation 2011). Market segmentation strategies can be developed over a wide range of characteristics found among consumers, for example one group may be identified by gender while the other group composes of consumers within a given age group (Malcolm Tatum 2011). Market  segmentation has allowed H&S to benefit from the anti dandruff market in a few ways. The first benefit gained is H&S was able to better understand consumers’ needs in the market (Rupal Jain 2011). This is shown when H&S differentiate its product and came out with H&S anti dandruff shampoo, obviously wanting to help consumers that have a need in solving dandruff issues after the company found out the problem through market segmentation. The next benefit to the brand from using segmentation strategy is H&S through understanding and focusing on the needs of customers, was able to get ahead of its competitors, in this case anti dandruff. H&S anti dandruff shampoo succeeded in being the market leader by becoming the world’s No.1 brand in anti dandruff shampoo market (About Head and shoulders 2011). The third benefit from segmentation that the brand enjoyed is consumers now buy their product because they are able to focus their marketing on consumers who are most likely to buy H&S anti dandruff shampoo. On emphasizing on the ability of the product to remove dandruff, refreshing and also prevent itchiness, H&S was able to focus particularly on a group of consumers in the market which leads to a possible higher profit from the sales to these consumers who share the same interest. In 2007, the introduction of PTZ as an active ingredient to the shampoo, which is highly effective in fighting dandruff because of its anti-fungal properties is an effort of H&S to further focus on marketing this product to its segmented market. The three benefits mentioned reflects that market segmentation is used as a strategy by H&S which has successfully benefited the brand so far. 3.0 Target Market Identification 3.1 Geographic Segmentation H&S can practice geographic segmentation for its product in Malaysia. The company should extend its product marketing into the state of Johor, the southern state of West Malaysia. The capital city of Johor is Johor Bahru and this would be the focused city for H&S, with a city size of 1.37million. A density of 7,409 per km2 makes Johor Bahru the second largest urban area in Malaysia (Introduction to Johor Bahru, 2011). The main reason H&S should target the above city mentioned is because in urban areas, consumers have higher purchasing power and are more health conscious compared to consumers from rural areas. The state of Johor has an average temperate ranging from  73 °F to 89 °F each year and has high humidity (Monthly averages for Johor Bahru, 2011). The hot and humid weather are causes for dandruff or itchiness for most people. With a high density city, hot and humid weather, Johor Bahru is a potential market to be targeted by H&S that provides refreshing and healthy hair for its users. 3.2 Demographic Segmentation Demographic factors are popular bases for segmentation analysis. Based on other markets of H&S, the target market should be focused on Generation-Y, the age group of 18-30 years old male Malaysian consumers, with middle or high income level. This target group is a group that is brand conscious and care about the health of their hair. They are willing to spend more on a product as long as the product benefits them or provides a solution to their problem. The H&S anti dandruff shampoo will be a good product to this targeted group. Not only the product has many benefits to the user, considered expensive among its competitors and fights dandruff or itchiness effectively, H&S anti dandruff shampoo gives users a healthy hair, which is suitable for those with active social life. Besides, the fact that H&S is the No.1 anti dandruff brand in the world makes it attractive to the targeted group which is brand conscious. In terms of occupation and education level in an urban area, those which will be targeted are most likely professionals, managers, officers, high school graduates, businessmen and also college students. In short, the young adults are going to be the primary target of H&S. Reference List About Head and Shoulders. 2011. Head and Shoulders. Accessed 5 April, Benefits of Head and Shoulders. 2011. Head and Shoulder. Accessed April 4, Coupons, Samples and Savings. 2011. Procter and Gamble Brand Sampler. Accessed 4April, Hair Care Brands. 2011. P&G. Accessed 5 April, Head and Shoulders. 2011. Accessed 5 April, Introduction to Johor Bahru. 2011. Popular Places. Accessed 5 April, Jain, Rupal. 2011. Market segmentation. 123oye. Accessed 5 April, List of Advertising Slogans. 2011. Sharing The Secrets of Internet Marketing Success. 5April, -of-advertising-slogans.html#Personal-Care. Manufacturers. 2011. Procter & Gamble (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.. Accessed 5 April, Market Segmentation. 2011. The Market Segmentation Company. Accessed 5 April Monthly Averages for Johor Bahru. 2011. The weather channel. Accessed 5 April, Murugiah, Surin. 2008. â€Å"Average household income in Malaysia.† The Edge

Friday, January 10, 2020

It’s a Good Life vs Twilight Zone Essay

After comparing the story â€Å"It’s A Good Life† by Jerome Bixby to the movie adaptation of Twilight Zone, I found many differences in each account. In Jerome Bixby’s version, Anthony is a 3 year old little boy. He has purple eyes, and is a creature with godlike powers. He can transform people and objects into anything that he wants, and he can read others minds. In this story, Anthony does not speak until the very end. Anthony plays with a rat during the story. He is bored from playing with it, so he makes the rat eat itself. At the end of the story, Anthony turned Dan into a creepy object and wishes him into the cornfield. In the Twilight Zone, Anthony is portrayed as a six year old little boy. He has blue eyes, instead of purple. He is a monster with godlike powers, also. He controls and destroys the things around him whenever he wants. Anthony speaks throughout the entire screen version. He creates a three-headed animal that he plays with during the Twilight Zone. At the end of the episode, Anthony turns Dan into a jack-in-the-box. Some structural differences between the two accounts is the dialogue of Anthony. In the story, he does not speak until the very end. In Twilight Zone, he talks throughout the entire episode. The screen version of â€Å"It’s A Good Life† is more effective. It keeps the audience’s attention, and it is more appealing. The story version does not hold the audience’s attention throughout the entire story. The screen version includes more details and is more in-depth than Jerome Bixby’s version.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Speech Energy Drinks, Health Benefits, And Risks

Informative Speech Outline Name: Jackson Lee Speech Title: Energy drinks, health benefits, and risks. Introduction Attention Getting Device: How many of you all drink energy by a raise of hands So a lot people, today in going to tell you the health factors that in valve drinking energy drinks. Thesis/Central Purpose (i.e. The purpose of my speech is to____________) The purpose of my speech today is to inform you the health benefits and negatives of drinking energy drinks. I am also going to explain to you the more healthy energy drinks, that don’t effect your health in a negative way. Justification/Why should we listen? As a college student I find that energy drinks, coffee, 5 hour energy is key to your success as a student. I†¦show more content†¦Many athletes prefer a cold and light beverage after a workout rather than a hot coffee. Main point #2: The Creation Energy health benefits risk- There are many risks that involve drinking energy drinks. 1. Cardiac is probably the biggest risk to drinking energy drinks. While our Caffeine Calculator can show people how many energy drinks at one time would be lethal, this formula doesn’t apply to everyone. Those with underlying heart conditions have gone into cardiac arrest after just a few energy drinks. Before drinking energy drinks or caffeine, be sure to know your heart’s health.-A new study showed that energy drinks cause more forceful heart contractions, which could be harmful to some with certain heart conditions. Another study showed that between 2009 and 2011 there were 4854 calls to poison control centers regarding energy drinks. 51% of these calls were involving children. Another study shows the link between energy drinks and cardiac events among teens. This study recommends that teens consume no more than one 250 ml energy drink per day and not before or during sports or exercise. A 2016 study showed that 18-40-year-olds who drank energy drinks had a signific ant increase in their QTc interval, which is a marker of abnormal heart rhythm risk. 2. Increased anxiety- Changing the amount of caffeine you drink on a daily can lead to more headaches. Because your body can have more withdrawals. Also the sugar content can be very deterring also. 3.Show MoreRelatedHow to Be Healthy Essay823 Words   |  4 PagesBarnett Speech 100 003 Informative Speech Outline Specific Purpose: â€Å"To inform my audience about how to eat healthy.† Central Idea: In this speech, I’ll be explaining why it is important to eat healthy, and give tips on what to do to initiate healthier eating habits. Introduction: Attention Getter: How many of you want to be healthy? 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